Hand crafted designer quality bags, totes and accessories made from cork material, sometimes adding high quality upholstery or canvas material. Sue’s bags are lined with interior pockets and adjustable straps. Sue have a wide variety of designs for a variety of tastes.
Igor Nasibyan is America’s premier silhouette artist. Cutting silhouettes has been his passion and livelihood for over 30 years. The silhouettes he creates are highly detailed, astoundingly accurate, and breathtakingly beautiful. Using only scissors and black paper, he cuts completely freehand a highly detailed silhouette portrait of a model and adheres it to white poster-board with an oval mat.
Pearl Podlinsek – Howell, MI
After blowing out eggs from her own birds then washing them, Pearl drew images onto them using a graphite pencil, then carved simple images. Over the years, she has continually pushed herself to try something new, taking inspiration from everything around her. Pearl learned new techniques to color the shells, thus providing a new dimension. She uses electric tea lights to illuminate the eggs. Late in 2016, Pearl felt confident enough in her skill to purchase Emu eggs. The natural multiple color layers of the Emu shells have opened up a new world of etching detailed images into the shells.
Elizabeth Raymond – Columbus, OH
Real Flowers are Foraged and Pressed to then be preserved in non-toxic resin. Each piece is handcrafted and made to be one of a kind. All Metal is Stainless Steel, and some pieces are paired with Swarovski & Preciosa Crystals. Wildflower & Flora is Art displayed as; necklaces, earrings, jewelry sets, bolo ties, hairclips, and wall art.